Method Details

Details for method 'EffPS_b1bs4_RVC'


Method overview

name EffPS_b1bs4_RVC
challenge pixel-level semantic labeling
details EfficientPS with EfficientNet-b1 backbone. Trained with a batch size of 4.
publication EfficientPS: Efficient Panoptic Segmentation
Rohit Mohan, Abhinav Valada
project page / code
used Cityscapes data fine annotations
used external data ImageNet
runtime n/a
subsampling no
submission date August, 2020
previous submissions


Average results

Metric Value
IoU Classes 63.1622
iIoU Classes 33.487
IoU Categories 85.3459
iIoU Categories 69.1676


Class results

Class IoU iIoU
road 97.474 -
sidewalk 77.4384 -
building 89.7986 -
wall 40.4463 -
fence 38.3998 -
pole 48.9662 -
traffic light 47.3601 -
traffic sign 61.8117 -
vegetation 91.1841 -
terrain 61.8591 -
sky 94.668 -
person 73.2243 51.0596
rider 28.8761 7.4171
car 93.2788 86.7078
truck 54.1996 26.6346
bus 64.109 30.0191
train 42.0245 12.0733
motorcycle 34.9569 15.8021
bicycle 60.0068 38.1828


Category results

Category IoU iIoU
flat 98.0783 -
nature 90.405 -
object 54.4844 -
sky 94.668 -
construction 89.9655 -
human 77.1694 54.3218
vehicle 92.6509 84.0134



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