Method Details

Details for method 'seamseg_rvcsubset'


Method overview

name seamseg_rvcsubset
challenge pixel-level semantic labeling
details Seamless Scene Segmentation Resnet101, pretrained on Imagenet; supplied with altered MVD to include WildDash2 classes; does not contain other RVC label policies (i.e. no ADE20K/COCO-specific classes -> rvcsubset and not a proper submission)
publication Seamless Scene Segmentation
Porzi, Lorenzo and Rota Bulò, Samuel and Colovic, Aleksander and Kontschieder, Peter
The IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 2019
project page / code
used Cityscapes data
used external data model pre-trained on ImageNet; regular training on altered MVD to contain WildDash2 labels (van, pickup) (20k frames) no other dataset (i.e. no Cityscapes frames)
runtime n/a
subsampling no
submission date August, 2020
previous submissions


Average results

Metric Value
IoU Classes 66.9732
iIoU Classes 44.8029
IoU Categories 86.041
iIoU Categories 67.9389


Class results

Class IoU iIoU
road 87.7048 -
sidewalk 72.9796 -
building 90.3207 -
wall 47.7361 -
fence 49.9017 -
pole 64.0589 -
traffic light 71.2021 -
traffic sign 71.086 -
vegetation 92.4123 -
terrain 52.6922 -
sky 94.7661 -
person 79.3465 57.6053
rider 45.03 34.1649
car 87.5168 77.2152
truck 53.4387 39.9525
bus 69.3044 46.4225
train 36.7389 21.9647
motorcycle 46.9271 39.5278
bicycle 59.3287 41.5706


Category results

Category IoU iIoU
flat 88.8997 -
nature 91.3352 -
object 68.7446 -
sky 94.7661 -
construction 89.7934 -
human 82.38 60.8442
vehicle 86.3683 75.0336



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