Method Details

Details for method 'PolyTransform + SegFix'


Method overview

name PolyTransform + SegFix
challenge instance-level semantic labeling
details We simply apply a novel post-processing scheme based on the PolyTransform (thanks to the authors of PolyTransform for providing their segmentation results). The performance of the baseline PolyTransform is 40.1% and our method achieves 41.2%. Besides, our method also could improve the results of PointRend and PANet by more than 1.0% without any re-training or fine-tuning the segmentation models.
publication Anonymous
project page / code
used Cityscapes data fine annotations
used external data ImageNet
runtime n/a
subsampling no
submission date March, 2020
previous submissions


Average results

Metric Value
AP 41.2362
AP50% 66.0805
AP100m 56.02
AP50m 59.2404


Class results

Class AP AP50% AP100m AP50m
person 44.3015 76.2095 61.8479 61.9451
rider 35.9096 72.0527 50.4264 51.047
car 60.5257 82.7781 79.2401 81.7918
truck 40.4956 52.4348 54.7834 63.4857
bus 51.2162 68.6952 69.2896 76.4225
train 41.559 63.3475 57.5299 63.4533
motorcycle 31.7363 58.8339 40.7866 41.5277
bicycle 24.1456 54.2924 34.2558 34.25



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