Method Details

Details for method 'Unifying Training and Inference for Panoptic Segmentation [Cityscapes-fine]'


Method overview

name Unifying Training and Inference for Panoptic Segmentation [Cityscapes-fine]
challenge panoptic semantic labeling
details We present an end-to-end network to bridge the gap between training and inference pipeline for panoptic segmentation. In contrast to recent works, our network exploits a parametrised, yet lightweight panoptic segmentation submodule, powered by an end-to-end learnt dense instance affinity, to capture the probability that any pair of pixels belong to the same instance. This panoptic submodule gives rise to a novel propagation mechanism for panoptic logits and enables the network to output a coherent panoptic segmentation map for both “stuff” and “thing” classes, without any post-processing. This model uses a ResNet-50 backbone, and is trained with only Cityscapes' fine data.
publication Unifying Training and Inference for Panoptic Segmentation
Qizhu Li, Xiaojuan Qi, Philip H.S. Torr
The IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2020
project page / code
used Cityscapes data fine annotations
used external data ImageNet
runtime n/a
subsampling no
submission date January, 2020
previous submissions


Average results

Metric AllThingsStuff
PQ 61.0406 52.7377 67.0791
SQ 81.4397 79.6345 82.7525
RQ 73.9323 66.1963 79.5584


Class results

Class PQ SQ RQ
road 98.1999 98.3295 99.8682
sidewalk 76.0354 84.3132 90.1821
building 87.5139 90.3544 96.8562
wall 33.5078 75.6413 44.2982
fence 37.4712 74.4638 50.3214
pole 56.2795 68.7988 81.803
traffic light 56.0045 75.8995 73.7877
traffic sign 69.051 79.2484 87.1324
vegetation 89.9199 91.4123 98.3673
terrain 44.3401 78.7594 56.2982
sky 89.5468 93.0571 96.2278
person 53.951 77.4325 69.6749
rider 52.6766 74.4411 70.7629
car 64.3079 83.8282 76.714
truck 49.4698 85.3176 57.9832
bus 57.4358 85.0857 67.5035
train 52.3904 82.487 63.5135
motorcycle 47.7941 75.78 63.0695
bicycle 43.8762 72.704 60.349



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