Method Details

Details for method 'FC-HarDNet-70'


Method overview

name FC-HarDNet-70
challenge pixel-level semantic labeling
details Fully Convolutional Harmonic DenseNet 70 U-shape encoder-decoder structure with HarDNet blocks Trained with single scale loss at stride-4 validation mIoU=77.7
publication HarDNet: A Low Memory Traffic Network
Ping Chao, Chao-Yang Kao, Yu-Shan Ruan, Chien-Hsiang Huang, Youn-Long Lin
ICCV 2019
project page / code
used Cityscapes data fine annotations
used external data ImageNet
runtime 0.015 s
Titan V
subsampling no
submission date October, 2019
previous submissions


Average results

Metric Value
IoU Classes 75.8585
iIoU Classes 51.3705
IoU Categories 89.9399
iIoU Categories 76.6546


Class results

Class IoU iIoU
road 98.5122 -
sidewalk 85.4509 -
building 92.5003 -
wall 49.0418 -
fence 54.4441 -
pole 63.9704 -
traffic light 71.5329 -
traffic sign 75.6338 -
vegetation 93.015 -
terrain 70.5502 -
sky 95.3597 -
person 84.5298 65.0336
rider 67.3695 43.0293
car 95.6614 89.1567
truck 67.7129 34.03
bus 79.0054 45.1613
train 63.6254 37.3528
motorcycle 60.657 38.8138
bicycle 72.7394 58.3867


Category results

Category IoU iIoU
flat 98.6551 -
nature 92.7812 -
object 70.4994 -
sky 95.3597 -
construction 92.7134 -
human 84.6337 66.3379
vehicle 94.9367 86.9713



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