Method Details

Details for method 'PEARL'


Method overview

name PEARL
challenge pixel-level semantic labeling
details We proposed a novel Parsing with prEdictive feAtuRe Learning (PEARL) model to address the following two problems in video scene parsing: firstly, how to effectively learn meaningful video representations for producing the temporally consistent labeling maps; secondly, how to overcome the problem of insufficient labeled video training data, i.e. how to effectively conduct unsupervised deep learning. To our knowledge, this is the first model to employ predictive feature learning in the video scene parsing.
publication Video Scene Parsing with Predictive Feature Learning
Xiaojie Jin, Xin Li, Huaxin Xiao, Xiaohui Shen, Zhe Lin, Jimei Yang, Yunpeng Chen, Jian Dong, Luoqi Liu, Zequn Jie, Jiashi Feng, and Shuicheng Yan
ICCV 2017
project page / code
used Cityscapes data fine annotations, video
used external data ImageNet 2012 classification dataset
runtime n/a
subsampling no
submission date May, 2017
previous submissions


Average results

Metric Value
IoU Classes 75.4429
iIoU Classes 51.6022
IoU Categories 89.159
iIoU Categories 75.1157


Class results

Class IoU iIoU
road 98.3713 -
sidewalk 84.4866 -
building 92.1167 -
wall 54.1006 -
fence 56.5835 -
pole 60.3621 -
traffic light 69.0104 -
traffic sign 73.987 -
vegetation 92.8551 -
terrain 70.8911 -
sky 95.1543 -
person 83.51 63.2024
rider 65.7429 42.4886
car 95.0491 87.9889
truck 61.7777 33.1557
bus 72.1703 45.7981
train 69.5892 42.6195
motorcycle 64.8153 40.7603
bicycle 72.8428 56.8038


Category results

Category IoU iIoU
flat 98.5383 -
nature 92.5694 -
object 67.6032 -
sky 95.1543 -
construction 92.3332 -
human 83.7412 64.2989
vehicle 94.1733 85.9325



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