Method Details

Details for method 'Seamless Scene Segmentation'


Method overview

name Seamless Scene Segmentation
challenge panoptic semantic labeling
details Seamless Scene Segmentation is a CNN-based architecture that can be trained end-to-end to predict a complete class- and instance-specific labeling for each pixel in an image. To tackle this task, also known as "Panoptic Segmentation", we take advantage of a novel segmentation head that seamlessly integrates multi-scale features generated by a Feature Pyramid Network with contextual information conveyed by a light-weight DeepLab-like module. In this submission we use a single model, with a ResNet50 backbone, pre-trained on ImageNet and Mapillary Vistas Research Edition, and fine-tuned on Cityscapes' fine training set. Inference is single-shot, without any form of test-time augmentation. Validation scores of the submitted model are 64.97 PQ, 68.04 PQ stuff, 60.75 PQ thing, 80.73 IoU.
publication Seamless Scene Segmentation
Lorenzo Porzi, Samuel Rota Bulò, Aleksander Colovic and Peter Kontschieder
The IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2019
project page / code
used Cityscapes data fine annotations
used external data ImageNet, Mapillary Vistas Research Edition
runtime n/a
subsampling no
submission date August, 2019
previous submissions


Average results

Metric AllThingsStuff
PQ 62.6441 55.9671 67.5
SQ 82.1406 80.305 83.4756
RQ 75.2881 69.6455 79.3918


Class results

Class PQ SQ RQ
road 98.3025 98.4323 99.8682
sidewalk 76.8192 85.1156 90.2527
building 88.7939 90.9923 97.5839
wall 36.6138 76.3839 47.9339
fence 39.7462 75.0098 52.988
pole 59.0483 70.4056 83.8687
traffic light 51.5952 77.3387 66.7133
traffic sign 65.7409 80.5773 81.5873
vegetation 90.4431 91.8938 98.4214
terrain 45.8168 78.5129 58.3558
sky 89.5807 93.5698 95.7367
person 57.7226 78.5191 73.5141
rider 53.4809 74.8192 71.4801
car 68.8706 84.9135 81.1068
truck 52.6344 87.3801 60.2362
bus 62.1598 86.2938 72.0327
train 54.6632 81.001 67.4847
motorcycle 51.1558 76.3016 67.0442
bicycle 47.0497 73.2119 64.265



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