Method Details

Details for method 'GLNet_fine'


Method overview

name GLNet_fine
challenge pixel-level semantic labeling
details The proposed network architecture, combined with spatial information and multi scale context information, and repair the boundaries and details of the segmented object through channel attention modules.(Use the train-fine and the val-fine data)
publication Anonymous
project page / code
used Cityscapes data fine annotations
used external data ImageNet
runtime n/a
subsampling no
submission date June, 2019
previous submissions


Average results

Metric Value
IoU Classes 80.7776
iIoU Classes 58.2898
IoU Categories 91.3047
iIoU Categories 79.4568


Class results

Class IoU iIoU
road 98.6637 -
sidewalk 86.6852 -
building 93.448 -
wall 56.9209 -
fence 60.475 -
pole 68.2743 -
traffic light 75.4983 -
traffic sign 79.828 -
vegetation 93.6525 -
terrain 72.5765 -
sky 95.8544 -
person 87.0237 69.3537
rider 71.6354 49.988
car 96.0119 90.5069
truck 73.4582 39.7157
bus 90.5167 54.6211
train 85.744 52.7097
motorcycle 71.1131 47.3361
bicycle 77.3951 62.0871


Category results

Category IoU iIoU
flat 98.7309 -
nature 93.3612 -
object 74.3641 -
sky 95.8544 -
construction 93.832 -
human 87.3151 70.3822
vehicle 95.6753 88.5315



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