Method Details

Details for method 'FRRN'


Method overview

name FRRN
challenge pixel-level semantic labeling
details Full-Resolution Residual Networks (FRRN) combine multi-scale context with pixel-level accuracy by using two processing streams within one network: One stream carries information at the full image resolution, enabling precise adherence to segment boundaries. The other stream undergoes a sequence of pooling operations to obtain robust features for recognition.
publication Full-Resolution Residual Networks for Semantic Segmentation in Street Scenes
Tobias Pohlen, Alexander Hermans, Markus Mathias, Bastian Leibe
project page / code
used Cityscapes data fine annotations
used external data
runtime n/a
subsampling 2
submission date November, 2016
previous submissions


Average results

Metric Value
IoU Classes 71.8384
iIoU Classes 45.4616
IoU Categories 88.8987
iIoU Categories 75.1365


Class results

Class IoU iIoU
road 98.1738 -
sidewalk 83.3382 -
building 91.6157 -
wall 45.8264 -
fence 51.0851 -
pole 62.2036 -
traffic light 69.3919 -
traffic sign 72.3955 -
vegetation 92.6103 -
terrain 69.9903 -
sky 94.9167 -
person 81.5771 62.8785
rider 62.6581 39.0113
car 94.6174 87.8882
truck 49.0696 22.0417
bus 67.1034 35.5977
train 55.3279 28.0932
motorcycle 53.5369 35.1325
bicycle 69.4919 53.0499


Category results

Category IoU iIoU
flat 98.5445 -
nature 92.2908 -
object 68.3887 -
sky 94.9167 -
construction 91.7939 -
human 82.5191 64.8646
vehicle 93.8371 85.4083



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