Method Details

Details for method 'LDFNet'


Method overview

name LDFNet
challenge pixel-level semantic labeling
details We propose a preferred solution, which incorporates Luminance, Depth and color information by a Fusion-based network named LDFNet. It includes a distinctive encoder sub-network to process the depth maps and further employs the luminance images to assist the depth information in a process. LDFNet achieves very competitive results compared to the other state-of-art systems on the challenging Cityscapes dataset, while it maintains an inference speed faster than most of the existing top-performing networks. The experimental results show the effectiveness of the proposed information-fused approach and the potential of LDFNet for road scene understanding tasks.
publication Incorporating Luminance, Depth and Color Information by Fusion-based Networks for Semantic Segmentation
Shang-Wei Hung, Shao-Yuan Lo
project page / code
used Cityscapes data fine annotations, stereo
used external data
runtime n/a
subsampling 2
submission date September, 2018
previous submissions


Average results

Metric Value
IoU Classes 71.3095
iIoU Classes 46.3312
IoU Categories 88.509
iIoU Categories 74.2323


Class results

Class IoU iIoU
road 98.1172 -
sidewalk 83.4747 -
building 91.0841 -
wall 45.9437 -
fence 49.4788 -
pole 62.0208 -
traffic light 67.0745 -
traffic sign 70.665 -
vegetation 92.5054 -
terrain 70.704 -
sky 94.8484 -
person 81.035 61.3789
rider 62.8911 38.4455
car 93.8577 87.6736
truck 52.6447 27.8712
bus 60.9671 39.0677
train 55.0563 31.4029
motorcycle 54.5332 33.0228
bicycle 67.9781 51.7872


Category results

Category IoU iIoU
flat 98.4199 -
nature 92.1765 -
object 68.0405 -
sky 94.8484 -
construction 91.683 -
human 81.2993 62.621
vehicle 93.0956 85.8436



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