Method Details

Details for method 'APMoE_seg_ROB'


Method overview

name APMoE_seg_ROB
challenge pixel-level semantic labeling
details The Pixel-level Attentional Gating (PAG) unit is trained to choose for each pixel the pooling size to adopt to aggregate contextual region around it. There are multiple branches with different dilate rates for varied pooling size, thus varying receptive field. For this ROB challenge, PAG is expected to robustly aggregate information for final prediction. This is our entry for Robust Vision Challenge 2018 workshop (ROB). The model is based on ResNet50, trained over mixed dataset of Cityscapes, ScanNet and Kitti.
publication Pixel-wise Attentional Gating for Parsimonious Pixel Labeling
Shu Kong, Charless Fowlkes
project page / code
used Cityscapes data fine annotations
used external data ImageNet, mixted training set of Cityscapes, Kitti, ScanNet
runtime 0.9 s
Geforce Titan X
subsampling no
submission date May, 2018
previous submissions


Average results

Metric Value
IoU Classes 56.5044
iIoU Classes 30.5846
IoU Categories 83.4712
iIoU Categories 66.1385


Class results

Class IoU iIoU
road 96.0784 -
sidewalk 73.8801 -
building 87.6129 -
wall 30.7268 -
fence 29.5094 -
pole 45.4367 -
traffic light 47.9543 -
traffic sign 60.2086 -
vegetation 90.5233 -
terrain 66.7941 -
sky 92.2852 -
person 69.8954 47.1988
rider 20.5809 10.784
car 91.219 84.4436
truck 27.7608 23.2528
bus 35.6394 25.3034
train 19.3767 9.14519
motorcycle 30.1893 11.8389
bicycle 57.9128 32.7098


Category results

Category IoU iIoU
flat 96.9353 -
nature 90.2178 -
object 53.2702 -
sky 92.2852 -
construction 88.1124 -
human 74.5639 50.8709
vehicle 88.9132 81.4062



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