Method Details

Details for method 'MRCNN_VSCMLab_ROB'


Method overview

challenge instance-level semantic labeling
details MaskRCNN+FPN with pre-trained COCO model. ms-training with short edge [800, 1024] inference with shore edge size 800 Randomly subsample ScanNet to the size close to CityScape optimizer: Adam learning rate: start from 1e-4 to 1e-3 with linear warm up schedule. decrease by factor of 0.1 at 200, 300 epoch. epoch: 400 step per epoch: 500 roi_per_im: 512
publication Anonymous
project page / code
used Cityscapes data fine annotations
used external data ImageNet COCO KITTI ScanNet WildDash
runtime 1 s
subsampling no
submission date May, 2018
previous submissions


Average results

Metric Value
AP 14.8465
AP50% 29.4643
AP100m 24.8178
AP50m 29.3188


Class results

Class AP AP50% AP100m AP50m
person 15.6718 37.7253 30.2901 30.9321
rider 11.5244 38.0798 19.6352 20.3297
car 36.721 57.666 57.6519 62.6666
truck 13.569 21.1247 22.4198 28.1372
bus 18.6891 29.3996 32.4247 40.9489
train 14.2741 26.6113 24.07 38.4145
motorcycle 8.32217 25.1081 12.0506 13.1213
bicycle 0 0 0 0



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