Method Details

Details for method 'YOLO V5s with Segmentation Head'


Method overview

name YOLO V5s with Segmentation Head
challenge pixel-level semantic labeling
details Multitask model. fine tune from COCO detection pretrained model, train semantic segmentation and object detection(transfer from instance label) at the same time
publication Anonymous
project page / code
used Cityscapes data fine annotations
used external data COCO detection pretrained model, train sematic segmentation and detection(transfer from instance label) at the same time
runtime 0.007 s
subsampling 2
submission date May, 2021
previous submissions


Average results

Metric Value
IoU Classes 71.3012
iIoU Classes 46.2572
IoU Categories 85.6674
iIoU Categories 70.3735


Class results

Class IoU iIoU
road 97.9575 -
sidewalk 81.2516 -
building 90.2368 -
wall 41.9417 -
fence 44.8716 -
pole 44.7686 -
traffic light 62.6257 -
traffic sign 67.7752 -
vegetation 90.7369 -
terrain 67.403 -
sky 93.4803 -
person 78.4086 55.977
rider 61.6029 36.3805
car 94.1188 86.137
truck 65.3371 28.5333
bus 77.1281 38.8018
train 70.2055 40.8572
motorcycle 58.5339 32.8679
bicycle 66.3397 50.503


Category results

Category IoU iIoU
flat 98.2061 -
nature 90.4172 -
object 55.6085 -
sky 93.4803 -
construction 90.2644 -
human 78.5252 57.0658
vehicle 93.17 83.6813



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