Detailed Results

On this page, we provide detailed results containing the performances of all methods in terms of all metrics on all classes. Please refer to the Benchmark Suite for details on the evaluation and metrics. Jump to the individual tables via the following links:

Pixel-Level Semantic Labeling Task

Instance-Level Semantic Labeling Task

Panoptic Semantic Labeling Task

3D Vehicle Detection Task


Pixel-Level Semantic Labeling Task

IoU on class-level


iIoU on class-level



Instance-Level Semantic Labeling Task

AP on class-level


AP 50 % on class-level


AP 100 m on class-level


AP 50 m on class-level



Panoptic Semantic Labeling Task

PQ on class-level


SQ on class-level


RQ on class-level



3D Vehicle Detection Task

All average metrics


DS on class-level